Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bad Day

Oh my gosh. I cannot remember the last time I felt this way. I had my feelings hurt so bad today that it left me in tears. I hate it when I give someone else the satisfaction of making me cry.
I work for a sweet little old lady. Who was recently confined to a wheel chair due to a condition called spinal stinosis. Anyway I have been working for this woman for some time now. About 2-3 months. She has told me about some of the other help she had and how she was never happy with the girls sent to help her. She told me some of the reasons why she didn't like the other girls and all of them seemed to me like little things. But to her it was big and she ended up firing all the other girls. One of the other girls had done something this lady didn't like and when the lady said something to her she said, "You seem a little upset, Maybe you should take some of your medicine." Well she didn't like that at all and let this girl go. When she told me this story I asked her if indeed she had medication for anxiety. She said yes; but that she hasn't needed to take it in awhile. I just took a mental note of that in my head.
The last couple of days this woman has been a little stressed. She said she has been loosing sleep over her bath tub being messed up. She has had alot on her mind and it shows. I never said anything to her but I could tell that she was on edge. Today I went to her house and after I did everything that she would normally have me do (make her bed, start some laundry, give her a bath, etc. she asked her husband if there was anything he wanted me to do. He said he wanted me to go along all the door ways and wash them where her wheelchair had scuffed the wall. I wasn't thrilled but I began to do it. I wasn't even half way done and I could hear her talking to her husband in the other room. She was asking where I was and telling him to leave me alone because she had some things she wanted me to do. He came and told me that she needed my help, so I went to help her. When I was done helping her (or so I thought), I went back to washing walls. A few minutes later she came rolling down the hall way yelling, " I did not ask you to do that!!" I asked if she was talking to me and she said yes that indeed she was talking to me. She was so mad. She was slamming her drawers and yelling at both of us. She felt she was being neglected and no one was listening to her. She said she was sick and tired of doing everything in that house while he just sat on his butt. She was going on and on about not getting the help she needed. I stopped what I was doing and tried to be there for her and she called me a filthy whore. I was so hurt I could not believe that she was mad at me. I wasn't sure when exactly I made her mad but I continued to follow her around the house for the next 40 minutes or so. I didn't want her to feel neglected. She was beet red and stayed that way until I left. I did apologize. I told her I thought that was what she wanted me to do. Before I left she apologized to me for her behavior too.
I am still very hurt by this whole thing. I think I forgive her. But things are going to be scary for awhile because there is no telling when she will get mad at me again for something I am totally unaware of. Shute I'm not even sure I will have a job anymore. Who knows maybe she'll fire me too.
Wow, I feel much better now that I have gotten that off my chest. I almost cried there at her house and when I came home and explained my day to my family and shed a couple tears. But, I think I can go on with my day now that I have bled all over this paper.
This blog stuff is pretty cool...

1 comment:

Christina said...

oh my goodness! what a scary hairy experience there!!!

thats sad when people get that way..its like they arent themselves unless they are on medication..

isnt blogging great! you got it off your chest and can move on!